Letter • Newspapers Trouw, Volkskrant, het Parool (NL) • 2016
In June 2016, I received an assignment from another artist: write 3 letters of 6 pages. I wanted to send those letters to strangers, so I placed an advertisement. In the advertisement (in Trouw, Het Parool and De Volkskrant) I offered a letter.
In the following months there were reactions from a number of people. Someone asked me if I wanted to marry him / her, someone else wanted to travel with me. Some writers wrote several times, 1 person sent 6 letters. But the writers addressed me with names that are not mine. It was clear that they thought I was someone else.
None of the writers sent an address or full name. So I could not send them a personal letter by post. I therefore reacted again by advertisement.

In response to the writers, I made the video “Letter.” This video can be seen below, and via the address in the advertisement.