At home • Rotterdam (NL) • 2011
At the invitation of gallery owner Frank Taal, 20 artists participated in Thuis (At home), an exhibition in his own house. The personal relation with these artists has been the deciding factor in assembling this group of artists. Frank Taal does not distinguish between his personal and his professional life. He feels deeply connected with artists and invited them in his personal spaces and spheres for this occasion. The visitor could take a voyeuristc look into his private surroundings. These surroundings were enriched with artworks which were made for this moment and were symbolic for the personal relation between creator and presentator.
Willem Besselink, Richard Hutten, Anouk Griffioen, Hester Scheurwater, Mike Ottink, Harold Linker, Anique Weve, occypying space.com, Daan den Houter, Saminte Ekeland, Judith van den Berg, Anne van Eck, Aeneas Wilder, David Adams, Hans Citroen, Rolf den Dunnen, Eelko Moorer, Mischa van der Wekke , Alexander van Merle, Paul Vinken.
I used Frank Taals fingerprint to make stamps. One of these stamps was placed at the frontdoor, as a doorbell. Another one was used to stamp the fingerprint of Frank Taal onto the thumb of the visitors.